The Master of the Ceremony (MOC) YP Mudit Saha commenced the meet at 7.20am by inviting YP Sharad Mundhra to speak on the topic Carbon Credit.
YP Sharad Mundhra started the discussion giving an overview of Global Warming and Green house Gases. He explained Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Kyoto protocol as well as the registration procedure with UNFCCC. His content was so exhaustive, that it covered the accounting aspect too. He was complimented by all for his in-depth research as well as for his confidence level.YP Rohit Agarwal gave an example of Balrampur Chini to differentiate between the accounting treatments of sale of CO2 as byproduct and sale of carbon credits due to lesser emission of carbon. YP Mohit Jain & YP Rahul Chowdhary also shared their knowledge on the topic with the house.
The next session was a Case Study where participants were divided into three groups. One question was allotted to each group and each participant was given a power to contradict others view and to express his or her own view on all the questions. Every YP had actively participated in the session making it very interactive.
At last there was a discussion on some important issues relating to the Forum viz. absenteeism, non-participation of YPs etc. YP Amrit Singh and others gave their suggestions to improve upon the same.
The meeting was concluded by distributing the Admission Forms & deciding the agenda of next meet.
YP Sharad Mundhra started the discussion giving an overview of Global Warming and Green house Gases. He explained Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Kyoto protocol as well as the registration procedure with UNFCCC. His content was so exhaustive, that it covered the accounting aspect too. He was complimented by all for his in-depth research as well as for his confidence level.YP Rohit Agarwal gave an example of Balrampur Chini to differentiate between the accounting treatments of sale of CO2 as byproduct and sale of carbon credits due to lesser emission of carbon. YP Mohit Jain & YP Rahul Chowdhary also shared their knowledge on the topic with the house.
The next session was a Case Study where participants were divided into three groups. One question was allotted to each group and each participant was given a power to contradict others view and to express his or her own view on all the questions. Every YP had actively participated in the session making it very interactive.
At last there was a discussion on some important issues relating to the Forum viz. absenteeism, non-participation of YPs etc. YP Amrit Singh and others gave their suggestions to improve upon the same.
The meeting was concluded by distributing the Admission Forms & deciding the agenda of next meet.